“Let us not be prisoners of the past, but the shapers of the future.”
- John Samuel, Action Aid International
When we read the above quotations, a whirlpool of energy stimulates and empowers us.
We, the Youth of India
Youth today, are the pulse of the country and getting them involved in the development of our democracy is of paramount importance for the future of our community and progress of nation as a whole. When the voice of the youth is HEARD, our vision of ‘India Shining’ sounds nearer. Youth are the change makers and challengers. Maximum deviance to the conservative ideology is seen from them and it is they who establish ideals in accordance to the changing world and its necessities. Young blood is the potent tool of our democracy to as well as a power house of energy. They should thus, be given a chance to exercise rights, raise voices and opine publicly.
“We cannot be only spectators in democracy but should take control by taking part in activities. It may even start with basic level actions like traffic watch.”
- Milind Bokil
OXFAM, Australia.
Truly, youth should not be mere spectators of democracy but have to take control by participating in social activities to strengthen democracy. We do see many budding bureaucrats, activists, social workers, scientists, journalists and teachers, tuning themselves as responsible citizens for the bright future of our country.
Former UN Secretary General and Nobel Peace Laureate Kofi Annan asserts that no one is born a good citizen and no nation is a born democracy. It is the youth who activate the change and plough in a different environment to live in. It is not the biological age that determines youth hood but it is getting involved in activism and technical advancements for solving many problems. What are movies like Rang De Basanti and Yuva depicting? They are of course not meant for the entertainment shown in the earlier half but the message of strength and sacrifice by the youth for the country, shown in the later half.
A recent survey showed that many businessmen, professors, students, scientists, artists etc i.e. almost all professions but politicians agreed to have a retirement age in Politics. The young blood should hold the chair and the experienced mind should advice.
. The power of the encouraged youth, nourished with energy and spontaneity is a big leap towards our dream of India 2020. The most simplistic manifestation of this youth power, zeal and enthusiasm was seen during our college cultural festivals which will be talked of in detail, ahead.
On one hand we talk of youth as a power and on the other hand the present rat race of materialism is misguiding them towards easy money sources, marring their budding spirits of patriotism and nationalism. Individualism is winning over Idealism and words like Ahinsa and Swatantrya, synonymous to the youth of Gandhian era are being replaced by selfishness, corruption and cheating. Each one pines not for brotherhood and harmony but for a lavish and comfortable life at his disposal. A small piece of awareness in the Times of India for its ‘Lead India’ endeavor said.
‘Let us be honest. We don’t look for 26th January because it’s Republic Day. We wait for it as one more day to wake up late.
Keep the curtains drawn; pull the warm blankets tighter and the morning alarm on snooze.
Today. Things. Can. Wait.
And while we doze we never realize that as a country we’ve been sleeping for too long already.’
One many say that it is the way of life these day and the competitive world imposes this attitude, on the youth but what is a duty, is a duty, come what may. Competition does not mean that we compromise the nation to earn dollars and pounds.
Today we are in need of conferences to get the youth together on a common platform as futures leaders of our democracy to make them active protesters, campaigners and lobbyists. Youth need to carve out a niche for themselves to make their presence felt and their voices heard as the craftsmen of our country and farmers of the Republican India wanted. Such education should be a privilege of the novices from elementary school itself till their college and at this stage itself these novices must travel as teachers to penetrate into the narrow mindsets to broaden them
No Dream, Too Big!
is a worthy quote to be borne into the mind so,
Arise ! Awake!
Take the whole responsibility on your shoulders and know that you are the creators of the future of the country.
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